What about sexual offences against children and other illegal matters?
  Report Example  

License expirations, grace periods and extensions are common, but serious. Who are YOU? Identifying those quickly that are legally authorized to conduct ministrial, religious or sacerdotal duties is essential today.


A revocation means you no longer have in your possession appropriate license(s) to conduct ministerial and/or religious duties through the organization to which the license were issued.

Are You Protecting Your Parishioners or Congregation?

The National Office of Ecclesiastical Integrity and Accountability.

Best Practices and Reporting
for Safety, Decision-Making, and Spiritual In-Sight.

Perhaps, a leadership report or score card might be in order as well as current activities, and milestones achieved.

Yes, identify leadership challenges before they emerge internally and publically resulting in a negative course of action.

As a best practice, set expiration dates for official ministrial or religious (or sacerdotal) duties of a position to one year increments resulting in re-evaluation at the end of each year.

Strategically and Tactically PLAN. DO. CHECK. CHECK AGAIN! and then ACT!

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Effectively Watching Over
Your Soul, Spirit, Mind, Body and Family.

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.   Matthew 13:25

Watch and pray, that ye enter not (fall into or give in) into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.   Matthew 26:41